Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution


Application-oriented, based on the overall solution and using all-digital technology, we provide customers with a full and comprehensive service to ensure the end-use effect.

Guangzhou Huacheng Square Spring Festival Flower Market Light Show
  • Guangzhou Science City Fairview Phase I Water Dance Sound and Light Show
  • Guangzhou Science City Fairview Phase II Exterior Wall Sound and Light Show
  • Guangzhou Science City Green Axis Square Situation Space Show
  • Guangzhou International Biological Island Light Environment Enhancement Project
  • Guangzhou Yuexiu Traditional Central Axis Lighting Enhancement Project
  • Hainan Sanya Yazhou ancient city light and shadow show
  • Guangzhou Science City National Day 50 dedication light show
  • Foshan Wenhua Park Water Dance Sound and Light Show
  • Foshan Shunfeng Mountain Park Light and Shadow Culture Show
  • Foshan Danzao Xian Lake multimedia water dance sound and light show
  • Yinchuan Culture City cultural tourism wisdom interactive experience
  • Henan Cao Wei ancient city "dream back to the Wei capital" theme space show
  • Wenzhou Jiangxin Yu "sound and painting Bibo Lake" light and shadow show
  • Zhejiang Quzhou "Xin'an Lake - Light and Shadow Show"
  • Astronomical town of Pingtang County, the canopy commercial street, space-time tower
  • Guizhou Tucheng water dance sound and light show
  • Guizhou Maotai water dance sound and light show
  • Guizhou Shiyang Lake Water Dance Sound and Light Show
  • Chengdu Jiang'an River water dance sound and light show
  • Kaifeng 960 Theme Space Show
  • Xi'an Return to the Wild Goose Pagoda
  • Xi'an ”Return to Tang Dynasty“

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Telephone Switchboard:020-66829500
Customer Service Phone:400-112-3300

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