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Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
Music world, Passionate solution
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Modern hall space is constantly pursuing to meet different acoustic requirements

Traditional theaters and concert halls are often fixed in terms of sound quality, and are only suitable for a certain musical style, performance format, or even for a certain orchestra or a certain composer's works.

The modern performing arts hall space often has to meet a variety of functions, such as modern symphony, opera, dance, drama, opera, and even for meetings, film screenings.

A variety of different functions of use of the hall space put forward different acoustic requirements, of which the reverberation time is an important indicator to evaluate the sound quality of the hall.

Reverberation time is long, the sound heard seems full, thick, with a sense of the whole and reverberation, but the sound clarity is poor. Conversely, the clarity of the sound increases.

Theater construction" trend is emerging across the country

How to achieve in multi-functional theater to meet the different forms of performing arts without reducing its performance effect, become a new issue in the performing arts industry.

In recent years, in some theaters, halls and tourist theaters, such as the beginning of the use of "electronic variable reverberation system" to achieve more simulation of the auditory enjoyment, so as to meet the needs of people's sense of hearing.

The lemuse digital acoustic versatility system (REAS) uses advanced digital electronic technology to create an acoustic versatility for the hall that meets the needs of various professional performances with which it is compatible, solving the problem of matching the acoustic versatility of the hall building with the type of performance.

Digital acoustic versatility system can realize the hall reverberation time frequency response curve change; can simulate the early reflection sound to improve the overall sound quality effect of the hall; also can replace the traditional return sound cover to improve the hearing effect between artists and each other and the stage and audience area.

lemuse digital acoustic versatility system (REAS) can be unified control through the performance integrated control system, with the change of curtain, field, scenery, to achieve different acoustic versatility automatically switch. Can significantly reduce the construction investment of the viewing building. It can effectively reduce the volume of the audience hall and directly reduce the operating cost of air conditioning and lighting.

Technical Features

  • Powerful audio processor

    REAS processor supports a maximum of 128*128, IO maximum expansion to 512 input and 512 output, including two late reverberation sound energy processor and two early reflection sound energy processor. One processing core can complete the audience hall, stage all the acoustic characteristics! REAS digital acoustic versatility system input and output interface boxes and processing cores to share digital audio signals through the network, you can set up a distributed, centralized different audio signal processing platform to meet the actual needs of customer applications.

  • Early reflective sound design using normalized simulation

    Directive microphones are arranged in the stage area to pick up direct sound from the stage area, and through normalized early reflection sound delay processing matrix, to provide the audience hall with dry period reflected sound energy, enhance the sound quality and spatial sense.

  • Multi-reverb network

    REAS adopts MCR reverberation network design, arranging multiple independent channels of microphones and speakers in the audience hall, circumventing the reverberation radius of microphones and speakers, reducing the correlation between input and output signals, at the same time, the reverberator by matrixing the input signal processing, reducing the reverberator comb filter effect, reducing acoustic coloring while further preventing the appearance of signal superposition, improving the reverberation gain, greatly improving the reverberation gain output, creating a good sense of reverberation for the audience hall.

  • Click and Switch

    REAS through the terminal control software, the acoustic mode "Click and Switch", but also can be Pre-programmed to switch automatically as the program changes, instantly transforming the space into the type you want.

For detailed information on REAS, please download the brochure


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